3-B-016: Impedance Networks-1
What is the impedance of a network composed of a 0.1-microhenry inductor in series with a 20-ohm resistor, at 30 MHz? Specify your answer in rectangular coordinates.
20 +j19
20 -j19
19 +j20
19 -j20
In rectangular coordinates, what is the impedance of a network composed of a 0.1-microhenry inductor in series with a 30-ohm resistor, at 5 MHz?
30 +j3
30 -j3
3 +j30
3 -j30
In rectangular coordinates, what is the impedance of a network composed of a 10-microhenry inductor in series with a 40-ohm resistor, at 500 MHz?
40 +j31400
40 -j31400
31400 +j40
31400 -j40
In rectangular coordinates, what is the impedance of a network composed of a 1.0-millihenry inductor in series with a 200-ohm resistor, at 30 kHz?
200 + j188
200 - j188
188 + j200
188 - j200
In rectangular coordinates, what is the impedance of a network composed of a 0.01-microfarad capacitor in parallel with a 300-ohm resistor, at 50 kHz?
159 - j150
150 - j159
150 + j159
159 + j150
In rectangular coordinates, what is the impedance of a network composed of a 0.001-microfarad capacitor in series with a 400-ohm resistor, at 500 kHz?
400 - j318
318 - j400
400 + j318
318 + j400
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