3-E-037: Multivibrators
The frequency of an AC signal can be divided electronically by what type of digital circuit?
Bistable multivibrator.
Free-running multivibrator.
OR gate.
Astable multivibrator.
What is an astable multivibrator?
A circuit that alternates between two unstable states.
A circuit that alternates between two stable states.
A circuit that alternates between a stable state and an unstable state.
A circuit set to block either a 0 pulse or a 1 pulse and pass the other.
What is a monostable multivibrator?
A circuit that can be switched momentarily to the opposite binary state and then returns after a set time to its original state.
A “clock” circuit that produces a continuous square wave oscillating between 1 and 0.
A circuit designed to store one bit of data in either the 0 or the 1 configuration.
A circuit that maintains a constant output voltage, regardless of variations in the input voltage.
What is a bistable multivibrator circuit commonly named?
AND gate.
OR gate.
What is a bistable multivibrator circuit?
AND gate.
OR gate.
What wave form would appear on the voltage outputs at the collectors of an astable, multivibrator, common-emitter stage?
Square wave.
Sine wave.
Sawtooth wave.
Half-wave pulses.
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